Friday, January 14, 2011

Exotic Mammal As Pets


"Literary Contest" DEFINITION

One of the main objectives of the AEE (Association of Students in English) is to promote culture in the field of English language. So this is a literary contest to be held in the form of contest poetry / short story, which aims to encourage imagination and creativity. OBJECTIVES

a) Raise awareness and interest in creative writing in English students.

b) To promote cultural activities related to the English language and related cultures in the U.S. and Hispanic countries. ITEM

topics are free


Poetry of any type: max. 50 versosCuento short: 300-750 words

There will be a jury of professors of literature and / or professional writers and members of cultural institutions in the U.S. and / or Hispanic countries.

The deadline for submission will be until February 17, 2011 and must be sent by email to:
aee.csula @

FIRST PRIZE: $ 100 (for each first place in each category)
SECOND PRIZE: $ 50 (for each second in each category)


a) Both poetry and short story must be unpublished and written in English or a combination of English and English (English only is not acceptable). Each participant may submit up to two poems. These will have a length of at least 10 verses and 50 lines to a maximum per poem. Similarly each participant may submit up to two short stories. Which consist of 300 to 750 words.

b) may participate only students or former students (alumni) of CSULA.

c) The poems will be sent as an attachment (attachment) and this document does not have any indication of who is the author. The author's name should be only in the message, along with the title of the poems or stories to identify / as after deciding the outcome.

d) Contestants fully accept the decisions of the jury, which will be announced during the first week of March. There will be a literary act publicly for the first week in March during which he will read the winning poems and stories.

e) The jury has the power to declare the prize desert if not enough participants.

f) The winning entries will be published in media and in the manner it deems appropriate Association (ESA), which reserves rights to reproduce and disseminate them as it sees fit, without any compensation other than the awards themselves. Of course, the authors' names will be included.

g) The work will be presented with font Times New Roman 12.


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