Friday, December 31, 2010

Pottery Barn Lamp Replacement Electrical Switch

Registration: D!!

From tomorrow [January 1], we will open registration for the fanclub / street team / whatever they call it: D

must remember that our is an UNOFFICIAL group and we have absolutely nothing to do with Heresy, and if we do this is because we want a more organized group. is a group''nonprofit''so never ask for money or those things that people sometimes are xD just to support the band and have some fun xD

good, not to mention more, to register please Send us this information, those with the * are required, so no, it xD not that be free for who wants to:

* Full Name: NickName
* [if you do not have, placed''no'']:
* City:
* Date of Birth:
* Email [Hotmail. Gmail, Yahoo. all serve]:
Website * [FB, Twitter, Blog, etc] *: Phone
[cellular or fixed]:
* Member favorite theGazettE [just for fun xD]:

send data To
those who gave the day of Fukuzatsuna data, we ask the favor that I send the data back, thanks

PDTA: if we send the data to email any of the Mod, will not be received, if sent by either via Facebook message, please e-mail it to the group, thanks.

良い 新年!! Happy New Year from theGazettE Colombia, we hope to be here for long, so expect the support of all (^ o ^) º

Gazelove ♥ ~ Spread the

att: theGazettE Colombia-Staff-


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