Processing / free tools for creation. Enrique Aguerre
[free tools for creating]
Enrique Aguerre
Agenda: Saturday
May 8 - What is Free Software?
- History and manifest
- GNU / Linux
- Open Source
Saturday, May 15
- Applications aimed at creating images, animation and interaction
Saturday, May 22
- Programming for non-programmers
Processing Data OpenFrameworks
- Introduction to Python
This course aims to develop by attending a
algorithmic thinking that to suggest the art from elsewhere. An introduction to free software, its history and philosophical principles
that forever changed not only the computer but how to create and share knowledge
applications developed to be studied drawing, 3D modeling, sound, animation and video editing
free and under GPL (General Public License).
And finally, there will be an introduction to visual programming environments largest communities (Processing, OpenFrameworks and Pure Data)
well as the Python language.
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