WORKSHOP sound and images: a contested relationship.
As juxtaposing the noise and visual language? We will use recorded sound and images that we believe short works together to where the sound and imaganes "works together as a relief" (Robert Bresson). We will see parts of the films of Godard, Marker, Tati, Fincher, Kubelka, Child for inspiration.
This workshop explores the relationships (harmonious, rebellious, disobedient) between the visual and auditory. Environmental sounds were recorded, compared styles 'voice over' and talk about the music (diegetic and extra-diegetic) and sound mixing.
sound characteristics will be studied, such as recording, and combine all the elements to create a work that surprised. Working with recorded sounds and a collection of sounds. Short films will be built some sonic / visual.
Teachers. Mark Street (USA).
to students of communication, artists and researchers.
Friday March 11 1916 to 20 hours to Saturday 12 March 1910 to 16 pm (times are adjusted depending on the development of the program)
Cost: $ 1,800
INFO: 29166417-099889998 - uy
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