Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spray Tan Gun Amerika

Anabantha Presales for this 4th of March in Quito

This message comes from Hidden Side Stories:

The presales for the concert will be sold only Anabantha LEATHER METAL CC CARACOL-QUITO until Wednesday March 2, quota exceeded.

discs will be delivered on Friday of the presentation and only 80 people who split their entry into METAL LEATHER. The entry will have the same value with or without the CD.

selling tickets should be avoided in the day and venue.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hoe Do I Know If I Have Blurry Vision

Electro Friday: Flowers Helalyn

Friday! Farra, fun, all at the track! In a perfect world we would have a gothic album in every corner of our planet, but that still does not happen, Ecuador Gothic space launches Electro Friday.

This time we started Helalyn Flowers.

Helalyn Flowers is a Rockwave Italian electro band. More info on their official website. Http://

Monday, February 21, 2011

Availability Morton Quick Salt

Rise of the Machines this February 26 Atuntaqui

UPDATE: This event has been postponed until March, communicates Quito Sinister. We will be updating soon.
The machines take over and run dark music and radio

QUITO claim filed

FUTURE CHILD (synth punk / 8 bit)
Hemophilia (cyberpunk)
VITREOUS (industrial) LUCHO
TEDDY (noise)
AMNECIAM (noise)

Date: Saturday 26 from 4pm
Location: Republic and Rumipamba Bocabierta
Cost: 3USD includes cocktail of nuclear waste Quito-Ecuador

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Accidentially Used Vagisil Internally

WORKSHOP sound and images: a contested relationship.

As juxtaposing the noise and visual language? We will use recorded sound and images that we believe short works together to where the sound and imaganes "works together as a relief" (Robert Bresson). We will see parts of the films of Godard, Marker, Tati, Fincher, Kubelka, Child for inspiration.

This workshop explores the relationships (harmonious, rebellious, disobedient) between the visual and auditory. Environmental sounds were recorded, compared styles 'voice over' and talk about the music (diegetic and extra-diegetic) and sound mixing.
sound characteristics will be studied, such as recording, and combine all the elements to create a work that surprised. Working with recorded sounds and a collection of sounds. Short films will be built some sonic / visual.

Teachers. Mark Street (USA).

to students of communication, artists and researchers.

Friday March 11 1916 to 20 hours to Saturday 12 March 1910 to 16 pm (times are adjusted depending on the development of the program)
Cost: $ 1,800
INFO: 29166417-099889998 - uy

Funny Congratulation Message Baby

Anabantha in this March 5 Anabantha

Updated: Review Event photos and videos!


Anabantha Concert will perform at the Rock Hatuntaqui 2011, with mortuum, Aztra, Murder, Cabal, Deus Le Volt and blood fighting. Saturday March 5 from 11:00. The meeting will be at the Coliseo de Andrade Marin (Atuntaqui) and the cost of the concert will be the delivery of non-perishable food valued at $ 3.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Funny Words For A Wedding Invitation

local changes in Quito in Quito

WARNING! Hidden Side Stories announces that Anabantha concert will be at the bar called HADES (Columbus Avenue and Versailles esq.). Limited space is maintained, the date and time.

The presales will be available at the local LEATHER METAL (CC Caracol) from Friday 18 February. The final entries will be delivered one week before the event and the band's original album will be delivered the day of the concert.

not miss the best Latin American gothic metal band! To purchase tickets!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Using Saline Solution When Flying

Anabantha this March 4th Concert Review

Updated: Photos of the event here

Note change of location . PRE

: LEATHER METAL (CCCaracol-Quito). Concert day delivery


Good news for fans of Anabantha! The Mexican band gothic metal will be presented this March 4 in the city of Quito, in an intimate and unforgettable for their fans. The meeting will be in Hades Bar (Avenida Colón and Versailles) for which the quota is limited to 80 people.

The entrance fee is 20 USD which includes the original CD of the band. This event is brought to you by Hidden Side Story.

previously the band had announced their tour, "South America Part I" by Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, but unfortunately had to postpone his tour of personal problems ( more info on their Myspace ). Despite this, the band could make a space only to Ecuador in March, so we will have the presentation in Quito and another presentation in Imbabura.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Where Do Gay Men In Go To Chat


for more information, clik on the mage or visit the link

Brazilian Wax Causes Itching Labia

Fanclubs Members of the COMPANY PS artists living outside of Japan [4]

The PSC affirmed that they would publish this information on January 31, HOWEVER, offered apologies and postpusieron the publication of the decisions that were taken, and here it is.


Thanks for the continued support to the artists of the PS Company.

We understood perfectly their views and wishes, as well as the passion to the risers.
I sincerely appreciate. Thanks.

We have discussed how to provide this service as much as we can based on our current situation for long.

In this, we announce the result and the new policy after the discussion, which applies to all fans living outside of Japan and came into effect apart from the February 14, 2011.

appreciate that they can understand.

============================================ The following services will be added to the existing "PS GLOBAL COMPANY FAN CLUB "

exclusive access to sites for members of the GazettE fanclub HERESY ''''
Access to exclusive sites for members of the fanclub Alice Nine "club ALICE "
exclusive access to sites for members of the fanclub Kra " Korpokkur "
Additional Services:

1. Buying tickets to concerts, exclusive for members of the FC of the 3 bands mentioned above. [May be exceptions]
2. Buying Magazines muembros FC exclusive of the 3 bands named above. ============================================

Current Members of "theGazettE HERESY", "Alice Nine ALICE club" or "Kra Korpokkur" to implement [be inscribed] for the "GLOBAL COMPANY PS FAN CLUB"

1. The membership of HERESY, ALICE and Korpokkur club will remain valid. Furthermore, a membership card, ID and password will remain valid in the future.
2. The purchase of exclusive items for members of the FC are still available.
3. HERESY services, ALICE and Korpokkur club, apart from those named in paragraphs 1 and 2, are invalid.
4. All services of the "GLOBAL PS COMPANY FAN CLUB "will be available.

[Note] The conditions such as registration and the period of empowerment of the fan club that differs from one another. Please, review the following link carefully to be sure before you make your desicion.
register map for FC:

===================== Members

======================= now belong to "theGazettE HERESY", "Alice Nine ALICE club" or "Kra Korpokkur", not wishing to enter the "GLOBAL COMPANY PS FAN CLUB"

the validity period of membership will 6 months.
part of the service and benefits will be available.

[Note] price, service content, registration / update of each FC is different from one another. please, check the following link carefully to be sure before you make your desicion.
FC Map:

=================== Members

========================= owned or applicants who have paid the registration or renewal of their membership of "theGazettE HERESY" "Alice Nine ALICE club" or "Kra Korpokkur" before the end of January 2011.

Please fill out and submit the form below. The Office of the PS COMPANY fan club will contact via E-Mail after confirming their identity.
Membership Request for the "GazettE HERESY", "Alice Nine ALICE club" or "Kra Korpokkur"


==================== None of the above:

Please, check the map here: Map of registration
FC: http://www. / global_fc / info / chart.pdf

================================== ==========

[Note] All registration and renewal decisions must be made under your responsibility.
With the agreements relating to the registration and renewal for members abroad can be performed by the same person [referring to is not proved necessary to have someone do it for you.]. please, understand that no refunds for any reason.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please contact us via the following e-mail.

Contact E-mail:

The reasons and purpose of the "GLOBAL COMPANY PS FAN CLUB" remain the same as those previously announced. The announcement that we are doing here is to show that we are sincerely trying to do everything possible to fill all suggestions and nesecidades. And we are working harder for better service, better customer service and content in the future.

Note that we can not respond in the best way if you contact us by other means than e-mail given above [eg, via Twitter etc]. Thank you for understanding.

appreciate your consent.
Please continue to support us as always.
foreign fans are just as important as the fans in Japan for us. PS COMPANY

Fan Club Office.

============================================ Unfortunately

are not very good news. or at least to me they are not.

finally, as always, sorry if there is an error in translation. if you have questions, all will be answered.

can send an email to or leave a comment on this post and reply as soon as possible.

I think it is more. thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Portable Dvd Player Dual Divx

EPICA (Cuenca)

The concert of Dutch group Epica took place on Sunday, February 6, 2011 in the auditorium of the Casa de la Cultura of the city of Cuenca.

The event was started with total normality, the members of this legendary band left the stage and began their great presentation; Simone, Mark , Isaac, Yves , Coen and Ariën delighted us with his music. Following is a summary

The event ended smoothly, the Goths again demonstrated their culture to go politely to a concert.

.------------------------------------ -.
Photo: Jessica Ortega, Jonathan Calderón.