Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mouse Bluetooth Microsoft 5000 Pin

Next Meeting: Wednesday 4 February. 3:30 pm. Resource Center.

agree that ESA / Cal State LA award, if need be, other than students of our University (Dominguez Hills, Long Beach, etc)

Yes or No?

We make voting "live" in this topic at the next meeting of ESA, which will be Wednesday, February 4 at 3:30 pm. However, if you can not attend but want their vote to count. Please send us your vote before the 3:00 pm on Feb. 4. Only if you arrive before 3:00 am will be considered in the voting.

If the majority votes NO , then proceed to plan a competition with only students of Cal State LA.
If the majority votes SI, all the campuses that we mentioned will be invited.

await your reply as soon as possible. Please, if you have any questions, idea or opinion about any of the above points do not hesitate to let us know.

And remember, your voice is your vote, which do not vote does not count if you do not vote do not complain ...
